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Hardware Reviews

Special Editorial

NEW! Roy Carman continues search for an ultimate feedhunters receiver - review of Coship CDVB 3188C...
   [ by Roy Carman Published on Monday 02 June 2003 ]

Comparison of Nokia 9500S with DVB2000 installed, the RSD ODM 300 and RSD ODM 302 and others that are not so clever as they make out to be...
   [ by Roy Carman Published on Saturday 14 December 2002 ]

Latest Editorial Reviews

- DiSEqC 1.2 motors - Mini group test
  In October 2002 MRK began testing three most common DiSEqC 1.2 motors available in Europe for this review. Three seasons, over 7500 dish rotations and two dead motors later we are back with the results.
  [ Published on 13 May 2003, 4 pages, read 115958 times ]

- Technomate TM-5000CI - The legerdemain
  New British brand is marketed on the back of Harry Potter. MRK tries to find out what kind of supernatural powers can be found in "The Magic Receiver".
  [ Published on 22 December 2002, 5 pages, read 48920 times ]

- Hitachi KH-WS1 WorldSpace Radio - Music For The Masses
  The professor has always been a sucker for toys, so he knew he couldn't resist it forever, he just had to have one, and having blown the dust off his wallet, and remarked upon how young the Queen looked on the banknotes, this receiver was finally his.
  [ Published on Monday 12 August 2002, 5 pages, read 46138 times ]

- Digenius tvbox ci - Devil in disguise
  The German speed demons are at large. MRK attempts to stop one for interrogation...
  [ Published on 14 June 2002, 5 pages, read 39150 times ]

- Magic Module - It's a kind of magic
  Magical mystery tour around home grown cryptography.
  [ Published on 19 May 2002, 2 pages, read 29627 times ]

- GbSat 2CI 20 - The Time Shifter
  E still equals mc² but the time can be stopped. We have a proof here.
  [ Published on 04 February 2002, 6 pages, read 61088 times ]
       + Appendix:
     Third party software for GbSat 2CI20 [26 May 2002] by MRK

- TechniSat TechniBox Cam 1 Plus - Alles Klar.
  Going for a ride in Volkswagen Golf.
  [ Published on 11 August 2001, 5 pages, read 37410 times ]

- Force DMaster 1122s - The balance of the Force.
  We refer to the prophecy of The One, who will bring balance to the Force. What's more - we believe it's this boy.
  [ Published on 23 July 2001, 6 pages, read 54897 times ]
       + Appendix:
     SCPC reception and feed hunting with Force Dmaster 1122s [05 August 2001] by MRK

- Samsung 9000 Via CI - The simple story
  Our team shares a room for a fortnight with a new contender on budget Viaccess market.
  [ Published on 12 June 2001, 6 pages, read 44471 times ]

- Digiquest P2000 - Crouching and hidden.
  French manufacturer Aston decides to hide it's flag ship in Korean armada. Our team tries to find out why...
  [ Published on 09 March 2001, 6 pages, read 50763 times ]

- Micronik TVBox 1200S - The box that almost made it
  Micronik is not your usual manufacturer. TVBox 1200S is not usual receiver. But does it live up to the expectations? Read to find out...
  [ Published on 26 January 2001, 5 pages, read 31041 times ]

- Aston Mediaguard CI module version 1.04 - Little French marvel.
  Following the success of its AstonCrypt v.1.X series the French manufacturer delivers a new edition of the most popular CAM on to the European market. This time it's also fully SECA specs compliant.
  [ Published on 07 January 2001, 1 pages, read 17231 times ]

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Dreambox DM7020S
by Macmaster from Melbourne [?], 21 October 2005

Humax F1 Fox
by Sir Sit-a-lot from Nottingham [United Kingdom], 11 August 2003

Force DMaster 1145S
by tonskidutch from Amsterdam [Netherlands], 13 May 2003

Digenius tv box ci
by farmischlumpf from Goettingen [Germany], 03 February 2003

GbSat 2CI 60
by SNIFFY from London [United Kingdom], 01 February 2003

Technisat SkyStar 2 PCI DVB card
by SNIFFY from London [United Kingdom], 01 February 2003

Technomate TM5000 DAPCi
by SNIFFY from London [United Kingdom], 01 February 2003

Nokia 9800S
by Shelton from Edenbridge [United Kingdom], 01 December 2002

Hughes HIRD E25
by Supa Cory from Minnesota [USA], 01 December 2002

Echostar D 2600 IP Via
by pepsimax34 from Brackley [United Kingdom], 24 September 2002

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Micronik TVBox 1200S [SDTV Polish:]

Digiquest P2000 [SDTV Polish:]

Digiquest P2000 [SatIL Hebrew:]

Samsung 9000 Via CI [SatIL Hebrew:]

Force DMaster 1122s [SDTV Polish:]

Force DMaster 1122s [SatIL Hebrew:]

Technisat Technibox Cam 1 Plus [SatIL Hebrew:]

GbSat 2CI 20 [SatIL Hebrew:]

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